Life Events + Hardwood Floors

Big life events are always a lot of work to prepare for, and squeezing all your preparation in a month or two ahead of the event can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. “A lot of people start calling us in the Spring to schedule their flooring projects for grad parties, weddings, or other big events they have coming up in the summer” says owner, Neva Gullickson. It’s always better to get your project scheduled as far in advance as you can to ensure that you can get it done within your timeline and allow you enough time to get all of your other party preparations completed after your floors are done.

At Duane’s Floor Service, we typically schedule out anywhere from two weeks to two months, so even if you don’t need to get your floors installed, refinished, or buffed with a new coat until May, it is always a good idea to just call and get on the schedule. “The last thing we want is for your hardwood project to cause stress around your big events. We always strive to provide the best customer service and highest quality work to eliminate any unnecessary stress for our customers”, explains Neva.

So, what are you waiting for? If you know you will need your floors redone for a big event you have this coming Spring or Summer, give us a call today to get on the schedule and check this big item off your to-do list! Call Neva at 763-428-8601 to get started. We cannot wait to help make your home look perfect for your big party!


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